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    Kloster.Land - an inclusive, accessible, friendly platform for all lovers of monastic culture and lifestyle.

    Welcome to the Club!

    The Palatine Wine Club offers selection from the best, family-owned vineyards of the Saale-Ustrut region. Delivered to you monthly from the one thousand years old cellars of Kloster Zscheiplitz!
    Zscheiplitz began its life as a small Slavonic settlement on top of the hill overlooking the river valley – some time in the 7-9th century AD.
    Subjugated by the Frankish military might, it became a residence of the Imperial palatine count Friedrich of Saxony. In 1041 he built his Weissenburg residence here.

    In 1085 Friedrich's widow Adelheid donated the estate to the church. In 1089 Zscheiplitz became the Benedictine monastery. Saint Martin of Tour was its patron saint; the church, dedicated to him was erected soon thereafter and is the oldest one in the region of Unstrut valley.

    After the Reformation and subsequent dissolution of the monastery in the mid 16th century the estate passed to the hands of private owners. Fields and forests, churches, vineyards and mills – all together the property formed a unique socio-economic universum, preserved despite political turbulence and wars.

    Napoleon was an unwelcome guest here in October 1813, turning Zscheiplitz into a fortified artillery position in support of his retreating armies. Perhaps the biggest challenge to the village since the times of marauding Magyars in the 10th century was the neglect and disrepair of the Communist times. Deprived of any sort of repair over the period of more than fifty years it became almost totally ruined, with hollowed roofs, crumbling plaster and declining population. With virtually no one willing to take the responsibility for its future the castle was in danger of disappearing from the map of cultural and architectural heritage altogether.

    10 th.B.C. 900 A.D.
    920 A.D. 1085 A.D.
    1085 A.D. 1560 A.D.
    Archeological data shows, that the first human settlement appeared here in late Neolith, some 10 thousand years ago.
    In early 9th century the first wave of the Frankish colonisation has reached Unstrut – by then a Slavonic land, inhabited by peoples with cultural, ethnic and genetic identity similar to that of today's Sorbs and Czechs.

    Zscheiplitz was destined to become a central point of Frankish expansion in the area East of Thuringia. Sometime in early 10th century it became a place of permanent residence of the family, which ruled the area on behalf of German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors of the Ottoman dynasty – the counts of Goseck, Counts Palatine of Saxony, a cadet branch of the Wettin dynasty.
    Named Weissenburg – White Fortress – the residence remained in the hands of the Goseck family until the death of Friedrich III. According to the Reinhardsbrunn Chronicle he was murdered by the orders of his rival for power, wealth and influence – count Ludwig of Thuringia. After his brief imprisonment Ludwig has wed Friedrich's wife Adelheid, who, in atonement of her sins, donated the residence and the land around it to the order of St. Bernard.
    2008 A.D. 2021 A.D.
    1945 A.D. 2008 A.D.
    1560 A.D. 1945 A.D.
    The ruins of the manor was acquired by the von Hahn family, direct descendants of count Burchard I von Goseck through maternal line and thus related to both Count Palatine Friedrich III and count Ludwig of Thuringia.
    Before the land reform of 1949 the manor was owned by the Bila family, then, collectively, by 12 refugee families from the eastern parts of Germany.
    By early 2000s the manor was on the brink catastrophe having lost two of its five roofs, all of its facade-and interior decorations, ovens and fire places, with dilapidated electric cabling, broken water pipes, rotten floors, broken windows and doors.

    The Nunnery of Zscheiplitz was dissolved in 1540-s, with the death of its last inhabitant. The village and the estate became a property of prince Moritz of Saxony who created Zscheiplitz Manor to be owned exclusively by the nobility of the land (RITTERGUT). Only slightly affected by the retreat of Napoleon of France, who positioned his artillery on Zscheiplitz hill to cover his retreat from Leipzig on October 20 1813, the village was almost untouched by the 20-s century two world wars.

    from the history of the castle
    Zscheiplitz, Manor of wine,
    jewelry, history, and Hamlet…
    At Kloster Zscheiplitz we are committed to helping you to make memories that will last a lifetime. Whether it is planning your picturesque wine country wedding, scheduling a private wine testing with your friends and family, or booking your corporate event at a location that can accommodate up to fifty people, Kloster Zscheiplitz is the perfect location for you.
    Welcome, or you are welcome!
    Continuing our conversation about summer vacations and vacations - a page on our website about routes and tours in Germany and neighboring countries. For a day, two, and - who will not resist the pressure of our architectural, wine and other delights - for the rest of their lives. For prices, accommodation and any other information, please write in a personal message.
    Kloster Zscheiplitz is a family-owned residence, garden, art & event, and contemplation centre. All events, exhibitions, seminars, lectures, etc. are conducted and financed privately. We receive no government/ state support. Your gift will allow us to carry our work further, reach wider auditorium and to guarantee the future of a thousand-year old historical and architectural monument.
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    Kloster Zscheiplitz 2008-2020

    Europe's oldest aristocratic residence
    Call: +49 176 31589629
    Send: Kloster Zscheiplitz Auf dem
    Gut 5 06632 Zscheiplitz Germany


    Dorit Goedecke im Kloster Zscheiplitz

    Pastelle und Zeichnungen der Künstlerin Dorit Goedecke sind bis November im Kloster Zscheiplitz zu sehen. Alexander von Hahn lädt zur Vernissage am Samstag, dem 30. September, ab 18 Uhr in seinen Ausstellungsbereich ein.

    Inspiriert von der besonderen Stimmung des ehemaligen Benedektinerklosters und dem Kräutergarten hat die Künstlerin Dorit Goedecke ihre Eindrücke direkt vor Ort in Pastelle verwandelt. Ihr sonst eher reduzierter Zeichenstrich ist in den Bildern von Zscheiplitz bewegt, verträumt und leicht verspielt – aber auch gelassen. Es wurden strukturierte, farbige Papiere verwendet.

    Weitere Zeichnungen sind in unmittelbarer Umgebung entstanden: Der Nüssenberg im benachbarten Weischütz – ein Charaktermotiv, was die Künstlerin immer wieder fasziniert – der Schweigenberg in Freyburg, der mit seinen Mauern, Reben, Häuschen und Treppen einem Wimmelbild gleicht.
    Einige Motive sind in der Ausstellung als Nachdruck erhältlich.

    Dorit Goedecke – ein inspirierender Geist.
    Seit über zwei Jahrzehnten arbeitet sie erfolgreich als selbstständige Grafikdesignerin und Ideenfinderin.
    Ihren Beruf des Schrift-und Grafikmalers und das Studium Kommunikationsdesign/Typografie hat sie in den letzten Tagen Ostdeutschlands noch analog absolviert. Bis heute fertigt sie ihre Entwürfe mit Stift und Papier.

    Seit 3 Jahren ist Dorit Goedecke auch wieder als freie Künstlerin aktiv.
    Häuser, Landschaften und deren Charakteristik bringt sie treffend umschreibend zeichnend aufs Papier.

    Verwendet werden Pastell- und Ölpastellkreiden, Kohle, Rötel und Grafit.
    Ihre Ausstellungen wurden bereits im Harz und an Saale-Unstrut gezeigt.

    Ihr Blick für Ästhetik und bildnerische Gestaltung spiegelt sich nicht nur in ihren grafischen Entwürfen, Fotografien und freien Zeichnungen wider – auch ihre Editionen, wie Kunstpostkarten und Schmuck, sind Kleinode – von der Idee bis zur Verpackung.

    Zeichnen lernen können Erwachsene in ihren Kursen an besonderen historischen Orten.

    Für die junge Generation hat sie kürzlich ein Zeichenatelier in ihrem Heimatort Wernigerode gegründet.

    Dorit Goedecke, Zeichnungen
    Oktober–November 2023
    Kloster Zscheiplitz, Auf dem Gut 5, 06632 Freyburg
    Vernissage: 30. Sept 2023, 18 Uhr


    Zscheiplitz in Pastel

    Pastels and drawings by the artist Dorit Goedecke are on display at Kloster Zscheiplitz until November. Alexander von Hahn invites you to the vernissage on Saturday, 30 September, from 6 pm in his exhibition area.

    Inspired by the special atmosphere of the former Benedictine monastery and the herb garden, the artist Dorit Goedecke has transformed her impressions directly on site into pastels. Her otherwise rather reduced drawing style is moved, dreamy and slightly playful - but also serene - in the paintings of Zscheiplitz. Textured, coloured papers were used.

    Other drawings were made in the immediate vicinity: The Nüssenberg in neighbouring Weischütz - a character motif, which always fascinates the artist - the Schweigenberg in Freyburg, which resembles a hidden object with its walls, vines, little houses and stairs.

    Some motifs are available as reprints in the exhibition.

    Dorit Goedecke - an inspiring spirit.
    For more than two decades she has been working successfully as an independent graphic designer and inventor of ideas.

    She completed her profession as a letterer and graphic painter and her studies in communication design/typography in analogue form in the last days of East Germany. To this day, she still produces her designs with pen and paper.

    Dorit Goedecke has also been active as a freelance artist again for 3 years. She draws houses, landscapes and their characteristics meticulously on paper and uses pastels and oil pastels, charcoal, red chalk and graphite.
    Her exhibitions have already been shown in the Harz and Saale-Unstrut regions.

    Her eye for aesthetics and visual design is not only reflected in her graphic designs, photographs and free drawings, but also in her editions, such as art postcards and jewellery.

    Adults can learn to draw in her courses at special historical locations.
    For the younger generation, she recently founded a drawing studio in her hometown of Wernigerode.
    Entrance free
    Dorit Goedecke, Drawings - October-November 2023
    Zscheiplitz Monastery, Auf dem Gut 5, 06632 Freyburg, Germany
    Vernissage: 30 Sept 2023, 6 pm
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