Welcome to Weissenburg - Kloster Zscheiplitz!
The end of the pandemic did not signify the beggining of the much anticipated recovery. The war in Ukraine has ended our expectations for peaceful and prosperouse future, marked the end of the post-war order in Europe.

Though Weissenburg has gone through trubulences and wars of the past, the current calamity, which affects us all, represents by far its greatest challenge. To survive it we need to open our hearts to all, but especially to these displaced, lost, alone in the foreign country. Irrespective of their nationality and creed. In the 20th century we lost 7 members of our family to repressions and terror. Vistims of the Russian revolution and bolshevik brutality the Hahn family stands firm in support of the fight against totalitarianism and militant nationalism.

But not all news are bad. For our family the coming year represents a real opportunity to finalise the first phase of the emergency reconstruction, which began in 2011: later this year the partial reconstruction of the roof will commence. We are greateful for the support provided by the government of Saxonia-Anhalt, who decided to support our work and share our vision.

We firmly believe, what, united, we can overcome dificulties and problems, no matter how grand. This spring, as every spring for the past six years, Weissenburg- Kloster Zscheiplitz will open its doors for all lovers of the best wine from the Unstrut valley. With the new members of the "Team Zscheiplitz" on board the monastery garden will welcome its visitors later this year.
Let us, together, fill the old walls with exuberance, refinement, elegance and joy of country living!

Alexander v. Hahn
Blick in Richtung Zcheiplitz vom Schloss Neuenburg
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